Posts tagged camp cooking
3 Touring Essentials I Thought Were For Chumps That I Now Love

I like to think of myself as more of a punk than a gearhead type of cyclist. I am never interested in the newest, shiniest thing. I prefer waiting for the real gearheads to get tired of their stuff so I can get it secondhand and haggle them down to below half-price — that or do without all together. So by this same token, I have always been skeptical of sports-specific foods, supplements, lotions or potions.

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Retrieving Pottery Equipment

A few shrimpy gals and I circumnavigated the Olympic Peninsula and in our first few days of the trip, we stayed in Joyce at the lovely Camp Epona. On that trip, we were sheltering in the barn because it had started to rain after dinner. While I was unpacking my bike in the barn, I noticed that there was a small pottery kiln in one of the barn stalls. I have been a ceramic sculptor and potter since I was in high school and it’s something that I miss a whole lot.

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More Things for Your Packing List

I think that gear envy is a pretty real phenomenon for a lot of people. Those feelings of scarcity or inadequacy (I wish I had that” or “Why didn’t I think to bring that?!”) are amplified when your friends have cooler gear than you; or perhaps it’s the high stakes of outdoor survival that put the lizard part of my brain on edge. Whatever the case, here is a list of stuff that didn’t make it to my helpful packing list spoke card, but are nice (and lightweight) additions to your setup. I will periodically update this list, since there is always new gear to covet.

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