Posts tagged shrimps
Canadian Gulf Islands

Bisque had the great idea to go to the Canadian gulf islands for a bike trip over the July 4th weekend and I was so in. I had two other friends that had gone the last year and had all come back sunkissed and blissed out from hanging out on beaches and eating pastries. I was so excited! The Canadian gulf islands are a series of islands off the north coast of Vancouver Island which are connected by a network of ferries.

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Kauai: The Terror of the Sublime

As this blog would suggest, I am not much of a hiker. I am much more interested in cycling around beautiful places than walking to or through them. However, a friend of mine wanted to attempt the Na Pali Coast/Kalalau trail and assembled an amazing group of 12 to make the journey to Kauai. She organized all of us to get permits around 6 months in advance, since overnight use of the trail is extremely limited.

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